The Team

Specialist advisors with years of experience


With the continued uncertainty faced across many jurisdictions worldwide, having a global, but local partner that will go the extra mile to find the solution you need to pursue your property aspirations, is more important than ever. Oriel is able to fill that space.

David Hall, Managing Partner

James Riley, Associate

Cara Tetlow, Mortgage Consultant

Josh David, Business Development Manager

Mortgage Advice. The choice of interest rate and product terms will depend on your circumstances and the amount of the mortgage. Before you make a mortgage application, we will carry out a full review to establish your needs and preferences and if you meet the criteria, we will give advice and make a recommendation to you. There may be a fee for mortgage advice. All mortgages are subject to status. Please note that all products show an indicative rate only and may not be suitable for you. You must be 18 or over.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up with mortgage payments.

Oriel Finance LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC432303. The principal office of Oriel Finance LLP is at 55 Baker Street, London W1U 8AN. Oriel Finance LLP is an Appointed Representative of KFF and is approved and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Financial Services Register number 930126.

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